Gerald P. York in his Studio

Gerald P. York

Portrait Painting & Sculpture

About the Artist

Artist's Statement:

My mission is to capture and create beauty through visual representational art that focuses primarily on the portrait. I accept commissions in all media including marble, bronze, oil paint, and charcoal.

I work in a tradition that comes down to us from artists like Michelangelo, Bernini, St. Gaudens, Velazquez,and Sargent. I call this tradition painterly, or sculptural, naturalism.

My primary interest is to portray the subject in a way that allows the viewer to experience the presence of the subject. I call this the subject-viewer rapport. We can see this rapport in Raphael's Baldesare Castiglione or in Velazquez's portrait of Juan Pareja.

I hope that you can see this quality in my charcoal of the little girl or in the oil of Kerry Robinson. I aspire to achieve this rapport in all of my work.

Gerald P. York


Gerald P. York graduated from Yale College. His clients include Procter & Gamble and Becton, Dickinson & Company. As the result of a competition Mr. York was selected by the chairman of Sotheby's to paint the official university portrait of the president of Yale in 1995. Mr. York has won numerous awards for his work.

Photo: Mr. York with two portraits in his studio.


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